It is essential to Create and Manage Users and their Permissions. This article will explain how to Create a User and Assign Resources to the User.
Adding a New User
*Bold fields are required
Click on Add New User (You should now see the dialog box User Editor)
Enter the First name
Enter the Last name
Enter Username (i.e Bsmith)
Enter the Password
Enter Email Address (Optional)
Default Entry Page (First screen they see when logging in)
Default History Display (choose one on the options below on the drop-down menu )
Standard Sessions: When Standard session is used, the history display will show a record for each session for all items.
When Standard session is used, and Link History Session is enabled on (Manage General Settings > Map Options tab > Link History Sessions option, draw the line between the sessions from the last position of the previous session to the first position of the next session
Merge Sessions: When Merge Session is used, all sessions for each item will be displayed in one record. Linking is not needed since the sessions are already merged
When Merge Session is used, the playback and location list will include all position for the duration selected
Activation Date (Optional)
Deactivation date (Optional)
Click on the Save button
Assigning Permissions
Once you Add the User, you need to Assign Permissions to the User.
Note: After Creating a New User & Assigning Resources, you will also need to assign the User to Groups. Please access Manage User Group Access to complete this
Click on View Groups next to the User Name you created in the previous lesson
Select the Resources to assign to the User by clicking on the check-box next to the Resource Name
Click on the Save button