How to run Reports


There are multiple Reports available on the Reports section of the GuardTrax web portal.


This Report displays the list of Landmarks (Tags), Group Name with their devices, also display the total of scans performed in the selected time frame.

To run the Report 

  1. Click Reports

  2. Select Report Templates

  3. Click RFID Scan Report

Select each column you wish visible on the report.


To run the report for a specific Client and a specific Group

  1. Select the Date Range

  2. Select the Group name

  3. Select the Item (device) name

  4. Select the Landmark (QR/RFID tag) name

  5. Click Next


Give your report a name and description. You can choose to preview your configured report. If satisfied with the output, you can save your report for automated subscriptions.

Note:To export the Reports to the following format (XML, CSV, PDF, NHTML, EXCEL, TIFF File, WORD), Click the diskette icon on the navigation bar and choose the format you desire.